Washington County Job and Family Services
County Home and Adult Protective Services

Washington County Home History
The people of Washington County have been taking care of their own since the first home was built in 1840, which is over 180 years of continuous service to our community. The present county home was erected in 1976 near the site of the original facility. It's an efficient, modern Georgian structure built to serve 90 people of various needs. The home is located in a pleasant rural setting on County House Lane and is accessible from Ohio Routes 7 and 26.
County Home Main Staff
Beth Miller

Head Nurse of the County Home
Deanna Green

Social Services Supervisor/Administrator
Adult Protective Services and Social Services Unit
Serving adults 60 and older who have been abused, neglected, and/or exploited.
Contact Information is: 1-(740)434-0531
Publicly funded childcare available for families meeting criteria including income at or below 142% of the federal poverty level.
Contact Information is: 1-(740)434-0749
Chore Services for adults 60 and older meeting criteria including income at or below 250% of the federal poverty level.
Contact information is 1-(740)-434-0738
Non-Emergency Transportation for Medicaid clients meeting certain criteria outlined by the Medicaid guidelines.
Contact Information is:1-(740)-434-0499
Admission to Washington County Home
Applicant Requirements for Admission to Washington County Home
Upon written application, the administrator may issue an order of admission. Each applicant must have a physical examination, chest X-ray, serology test, blood test, T-4, and SMA-20.
Applicants must be:
- A Washington County resident continuously for 18 months
- 18 years or older
- Ambulatory
- Able to feed and dress himself or herself
- Continent of bowel and bladder
- Able to pass a pre-admission drug screen
Privacy Notice
View and print the Washington County Home's "Notice of Privacy Practices for Protected Health Information (PDF)" as required by the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Responsibility & Mission
To the residents:
- Providing care to meet not only the physical needs, but also the social, psychological and spiritual.
- To help each one achieve and maintain the highest possible level of independence consistent with his or her condition.
- To respect the individuality, privacy, likes and dislikes of each person to the greatest extent possible.
- To provide a courteous, neat, trained and qualified staff who cares about our residents.
To the families and friends of the residents:
- To assure them that their trust in us is justified.
- To help them appreciate the continued personal worth of their loved one.
- To help them adjust and accept the limitations involved be it physical, emotional, societal or a combination.
- To involve them, where possible, in the life of their loved one.
To the staff and employees:
- To provide a good, safe working environment with competitive wages and benefits.
- To provide training and guidance to insure job understanding and performance.
- To provide for continued growth, advancement and security in response to demonstrated job performance and loyalty.
- To offer guidance and counseling to aid career planning.
County Home Contacts & Website
Email Beth Miller Website
Phone: (740) 373-2028
Fax: (740) 373-2094